I Got A Question About Nasal Aspirator? Please Help 10 Pts? - nasal suction bulb
do u think of the nasal aspirator, is the electric, or with an engine has more suction than traditional bulbs? I have tried to use the bulb, but not for my nose job. I do not want the neti pot as uncomfortable as it is in the mouth .. how to get the feeling when uu go swimming and go through ur nose to the mouth. My nose is delicate and I do not want to sink to the nose. the vacuum cleaner rhinoplasty do u think? covering the nose should be?
I'm looking for something that has good suction to suck my nose. I DO have allergies or colds. I just want something to the mucus from the nose to suck. That is all.
In addition, Neil Med Sinus Rinse spray or what?
Nasal Suction Bulb I Got A Question About Nasal Aspirator? Please Help 10 Pts?
10:29 AM
I use Cleanoz Saline preservative free. Preservative are iritative and may create sensitization so E.N.T recommend to use a natural Saline solution preservative free. Cleanoz saline comes in single use applicators very conveniant and hygienic! drugstore.com or Amazon.com; 20 vials pack for &6.99
Nasal suction bulb for babies and toddlers are not big enough for adults, why not let work on you. No need for an adult with a computer, an adult can blow your nose baby / children can use to have problems with that.
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